CEO Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. This is a new platform where I get the opportunity to communicate directly with you and share the strategies and visions I believe will guide CLP forward. I’ll also give you my take on issues that affect us all as we figure out the way ahead in a dynamic and evolving power sector. Join me on this fascinating journey as we set out together on the road to a sustainable future and brighter tomorrows for generations to come. 




Welcome to my blog. I look forward to sharing with you my thinking on CLP and the power sector via this platform as we set out together on the road to a sustainable future and brighter tomorrows for generations to come.

T. K. Chiang

Nurturing our Future Leaders

Monday, 3 Jun 2024


In a fast-changing global business environment, companies need a diverse, agile workforce and a culture of continuous learning to produce new generations of leaders. In this blog post, I will walk you through how CLP is stepping up talent development to make sure we rise to future challenges and flourish.


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China’s Expressway to Sustainability

Thursday, 15 February 2024


China is the global economic success story of the 21st century. Now, it is leading the world in developing sustainable energy following 45 years of reform and opening up. In my first blog post, I look at CLP’s role in the nation’s past transformation and the road ahead for its energy transition. 


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