Nicholas Charles Allen

Independent Non-executive Director

Nicholas Charles Allen

Chairman of Human Resources & Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee; and Member of Audit & Risk Committee, Finance & General Committee and Sustainability Committee

Aged 69
Appointed on 12 May 2009


  • Board / board committees leadership
  • CLP market experience
  • Global market experience
  • Other industries
  • Other listed board roles
  • Professional (Accounting)
  • Related industry experience (Property / Retail)
  • Risk & compliance
  • Technology

Titles, Qualifications and Education

  • Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
  • Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics / Social Studies, the University of Manchester

Other Major Offices

  • Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.# (Independent Non-executive Director, Chairman of Audit Committee and member of Risk Committee)
  • The London Metal Exchange (Non-executive Director, Chairman of Audit Committee and member of Remuneration Committee)
  • LME Clear Limited (Non-executive Director, Chairman of Audit Committee, and member of Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Past Experience

Mr Allen joined Coopers & Lybrand (C&L) in London in 1977 and was transferred to C&L Hong Kong in 1983.  He was admitted to partnership in C&L Hong Kong in 1988, which was subsequently merged with Price Waterhouse into PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 1998.  Mr Allen retired from PwC in 2007.


Mr Allen was an Independent Non-executive Director of Lenovo Group Ltd.# (until July 2021) and an Independent Non-executive Director of Link Asset Management Ltd.# (as manager of Link Real Estate Investment Trust) (until 1 August 2024).

#The securities of these companies are currently listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange or overseas stock exchange(s).


Latest update: 5 August 2024

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