WE Station (West New Territories Landfill Gas Power Generation Project)

To support the Government’s policy of promoting waste-to-energy and renewable energy initiatives, CLP Power has developed the WE Station at the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill. It is the largest landfill gas power generation plant in Hong Kong. The units make use of landfill gas produced locally at the landfill site for power generation and the electricity generated will be transmitted to power grid.


The first phase of WE Station, which began operation in the first quarter of 2020, includes five generation units with a total generation capacity of 10MW. In the second phase, with the commissioning of two new generation units in 2024, the generation capacity of WE Station has increased 4MW to a total of 14MW.

CLP's Equity Interest
Gross Capacity
CLP's Capacity (Equity / Long-term Purchase)


Landfill Gas


West New Territories (WENT) Landfill in Nim Wan


Castle Peak Power Company Limited

Equity Interest

  • ​CLP Power Hong Kong Limited – 70%
  • China Southern Power Grid International (HK) Co., Limited – 30%​